![card house](https://kardtects.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/chameleon03-350x256.jpg)
Inside each box of Kardtects Building Cards are not only the specifically designed and collectible building cards to build incredible card houses, but also collectible Destroyer Disks. These disks are used for knock down fun! After building a card house, Kardtects (card architects) toss Destroyers Disks into their structures to get ready to build again! It’s exciting to build and clean up!
The Kardtects Destroyer Disks have fun characters on them too. A clever one found in the Forbidden Jungle starter sets features a Chameleon. And so the Friday fun fact for today is on Chameleons.
Did you know that Chameleons can move their eyes in two different directions? They have the ability to look at two different things, in two different areas, at the same time. Creepy, but so cool!
The Kardtects Chameleon disk is great to use to destroy a Jungle Hut built from a starter set of Forbidden Jungle cards.
Watch the video below on the jungle card houses being built, and then destroyed!
Fun from beginning to end!