One of the hairier collectible building cards in the Forbidden Jungle set is a card featuring a Tarantula. This Hairy Mygalomorph can be spotted crawling across a thatched roof card. Placing this on top of any jungle hut is sure to keep some unwanted visitors out!
Tarantulas can be found in the jungles of South and Central America and is the largest known type of spider in the world. And even though Tarantulas certainly look menacing, they actually aren’t. It is said a bite from a Tarantula feels similar to that of a bee sting, and is not venomous. No matter, though, I don’t plan on finding out!
Some Tarantulas can grow as wide as 13 inches in diameter. Henceforth why they are often referred to as the size of ‘Dinner plates’! YIKES!
When building with the Forbidden Jungle set, this collectible card featuring the Tarantula can be added to any rooftop. The card can be found in the Expansion Packs. Expansion packs expand building card collections. Each pack includes 30 additional cards! Card Architects (aka Kardtects) never know which ones they might find within a pack!
Here is a video of a jungle hut being built. Where do you think the Spider Card should be placed?